Documentation for the julia package HistogramBinnings.jl
. The source code is available at github.com/ArndtLab/HistogramBinnings.jl.
This package provides more general edge vectors for histograms. Especially it allows to use logarithmically binned histograms.
One can use these with StatsBase.fit
as in:
using StatsBase
using HistogramBinnings
using Distributions
# some data with a fat tail
vs = floor.(Int, rand(Pareto(), 10000000))
h = fit(Histogram, LogEdgeVector, vs)
Or for more fine grained control using append
as in
edges = LogEdgeVector{Int}(lo = 1, hi = 1_000_000, nbins = 60)
h = append!(Histogram(edges), vs)
Midpoints of the intervals can be computed with midpoints
. Arithmetic means will be used for intervals in linear space and geometric means for intervals in log space.
using StatsBase
using HistogramBinnings
using Distributions
# some data with a fat tail
vs = floor.(Int, rand(Pareto(), 10000000))
# Conventional linear binned histogram
hlin = Histogram(LinEdgeVector(lo = 1, hi = 1_000_000, nbins = 1_000_000))
append!(hlin, vs)
# Logarithmically binned histogram
hlog = Histogram(LogEdgeVector(lo = 1, hi = 1_000_000, nbins = 30))
append!(hlog, vs)
# Normalisizing & coordinates of data points
using LinearAlgebra
function xy(h::Histogram{T, 1, E}; mode = :density) where {T, E}
hn = normalize(h; mode)
return midpoints(h.edges[1]), hn.weights
# Plotting using PyPlot
using PyPlot
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(xy(hlin)..., marker = ".", linestyle = "none", label = "Linear Histogram")
ax.plot(xy(hlog)..., marker = "+", label = "Logarithmically Binned Histogram")