
Documentation for the julia package HistogramBinnings.jl. The source code is available at github.com/ArndtLab/HistogramBinnings.jl.

This package provides more general edge vectors for histograms. Especially it allows to use logarithmically binned histograms.


One can use these with StatsBase.fit as in:

using StatsBase
using HistogramBinnings
using Distributions

# some data with a fat tail
vs = floor.(Int, rand(Pareto(), 10000000))

h = fit(Histogram, LogEdgeVector, vs)

Or for more fine grained control using append as in

edges = LogEdgeVector{Int}(lo = 1, hi = 1_000_000, nbins = 60)
h = append!(Histogram(edges), vs)

Midpoints of the intervals can be computed with midpoints. Arithmetic means will be used for intervals in linear space and geometric means for intervals in log space.


using StatsBase
using HistogramBinnings
using Distributions

# some data with a fat tail
vs = floor.(Int, rand(Pareto(), 10000000))

# Conventional linear binned histogram
hlin = Histogram(LinEdgeVector(lo = 1, hi = 1_000_000, nbins = 1_000_000))
append!(hlin, vs)

# Logarithmically binned histogram
hlog = Histogram(LogEdgeVector(lo = 1, hi = 1_000_000, nbins = 30))
append!(hlog, vs)

# Normalisizing & coordinates of data points
using LinearAlgebra

function xy(h::Histogram{T, 1, E}; mode = :density) where {T, E}
    hn = normalize(h; mode)
    return midpoints(h.edges[1]), hn.weights

# Plotting using PyPlot
using PyPlot

fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(xy(hlin)..., marker = ".", linestyle = "none", label = "Linear Histogram")
ax.plot(xy(hlog)..., marker = "+", label = "Logarithmically Binned Histogram")
Example block output